Long Bay, Tortola/British Virgin Islands Closest Airport: Beef Island Distance: 45 min. Nearest Village/City: Roadtown Shade: Heavy Food/Water Available on Beach: Yes Watersport Rentals: No Shopping Area on Beach: No Vendors: No Other: Topless HOTEL ON BEACH: Long Beach Resort & Village. TEL (809) 729-4252. This resort, built on a 52 acre parcel of land, encompasses the whole of Long Bay. Shaded hammocks swing beneath the beachside cabanas which sit high above the sand on stilts. And though they are quite spectacular, the hillside apartments with wonderful views of the beach and offshore islands are more financially feasible. Perfect for watching the sun slip down into the sea at day's end. LOCAL ATTRACTIONS: Pusser's Landing and Marina. This is a terrific yachtsman's pub harkening back to the glory days of the British seafarer. The colorful West Indian inspired design is located at Soper's Hole wharf just a 10 minute taxi ride from Long Bay. Pussers is connected to a fanciful store selling genteel cruise and yacht wear, along with the traditional Pusser tin cups for your daily measure of grog. ACCESS TO BEACH: The public is welcome to park in the hotel lot or along the road. QUALITY OF BEACH: A mile-long strand of pretty beach with a hillock called Little Tobago at the far end. The water in the bay can be somewhat rough in winter but usually settles down during the summer season to a placid well-behaved swimming beach. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: There is a fabulous five-bedroom fantasy villa, Sunset House, perched high on a hill overlooking the entire stretch of Long Bay. The minimum rental time is one week and if you have to ask the price, you likely can't afford it ! However if a deluxe hideaway with maid, chef, groundskeeper and a variety of other attendants appeals to your budget, telephone (809) 494-2446 for further information. (Hint: prices begin at $4,000/per week in Low Season and can easily double in High Season).